

So you’ve decided to book an outdoor photoshoot. In wintertime. And #babyitscoldoutside! Not sure what to do? 

Do you need to wait until spring?
Is in-studio session the only acceptable option?
Is it just the same thing as doing the session in summer?

Based not on theory, but on our experience (as always), here’re some important moments you should keep in mind:

Fear: It’s quite impossible to do outdoors photo shoots at this time of the year, I’d probably book a session with Christmas tree and a fireplace somewhere in-studio. 

Reality: If you’re visiting New York, (or living here, but still doubting where to get your beautiful pictures done) it would be such a waste of your chance to take the shots somewhere in a studio. They will look like any other studio pictures in the world!
First, in Christmas time streets of New York are decorated so atmospheric and movie-like that any studio may get jealous. Plus, outdoor pictures will look much more diverse.
Second, because of the bare trees, the cityscape can be seen in many spots of the city, where usually it’s covered by greenery. This definitely gives more options for taking creative shots.
Third, it’s easier to get a good lighting in the morning – the sun rises later and sunlight is not so harsh.
After New Year’s Day, the City (even tourist locations) is not that crowded as during the warmer season.

Fear: It’s unreal to get beautiful shots outdoors in wintertime. I won't be able to put on my high-heel sandals and strapless dress.

Reality: Wintertime shoot is a wonderful opportunity to get some cozy and comfy shots. If you don’t have previous modeling experience and aren’t used to work in extreme conditions, you don’t need to do a sacrifice and pretend you don’t care about the cold. Such winter accents as a cute hat, scarf and gloves would not only make you feel warm but would “match the season”. Put on an oversized sweater, knitted accessories and you’ll be guaranteed to get perfect seasonal photos.

Q.: Ok, I think I’m ready to do that. I prepared my uggs, my “ugly” sweater and 4-feet-long scarf. But I’m still concerned; do I need to bring anything else? 

A.: What I can definitely recommend – to bring a vacuum bottle with hot coffee/tea/cocoa. It will warm you up anytime you will start feeling cold, plus can also be used as an on-point prop. 
The other great things you might like to use are hand and foot warmers. They are available in any pharmacy during the cold season. 
And the last thing you should definitely bring is... your ENTHUSIASM!
As you're about to get beautiful and timeless memories! 
See you soon at our shoot!

World, hold on...

I've decided to share one really special thing with you. There's nothing sensational about it. But it's not the usual statistics that most of the photographers can be proud of. 
No, it's not yet the map of the countries I've visited. It's the map of our tourist/non-tourist Client's native countries ^_^
Being honest, I'm a very sensitive person. I remember each unique impression that I've got after photoshoot with our Clients from all over the world. 
...And it's such a warming feeling - to recall in memory all those on-the-go, sincere(!) conversations; to ask my first-time-ever Models the questions about their national food (my favorite *FACEPALM*), traditions, weather, mentality, EVEN THE COLOR OF SUNSETS AND DAWNS in their country!
I've shed a tear, thinking of how grateful I am to become the part of their visit to my forever-favorite-city-in-the-world. To become a part of their life-lasting memory.
Wow, it's precious! 
Thank you, Lord.

P.S. I definitely need more African and South American Clients :D
P.P.S. Of course, I'm not completely sure if I've marked ALL the countries, as some people might not share with me their origin (I didn't mark the countries of those "internationals" who were born in U.S. or those who have been living here since childhood on this map)

Africans, South Americans from any country except Brazil & Argentina - VERY WELCOME! 20% off for your session ;))

