Island of Zen in The Big Apple

Yesterday before the photoshoot I had a little time to walk and got inspired by Brooklyn Botanical Garden. I got really impressed with it's proudly calm atmosphere and quiet fresh air. I guess, there's no better place for organizing your thoughts and meditating in Downtown Brooklyn. Offering a free admission till the end of February, BBG is much more clear and maintained than Prospect Park (though I don't detract the beauty and gorgeous wildness of the last one :) )

Also I got an absolutely cute gifts for my mom and myself in BBG shop - ECO CUBES. These are containers with seeds and special fertilizers to try growing plants at home. Choosing among Basil, Mint, Chili and Strawberry, I took Chili for myself and Strawberry for my mom. Well, today I will open the ecocube and pour first 30 ml of water into it... Will share my results with you in 8-16 days :)